Hopsteiner 2020 Harvest. Digital Activation

Hopsteiner 2020 Go Beyond The Brewery

To view full series please visit: Harvest Video Series

Welcome to our Virtual Harvest. Check out all the sights and sounds from our facilities in Yakima.

Even though brewers can’t be there physically this year, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t experience it with their senses. We’re going to bring the sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and feels of the Hopsteiner harvest experience to life for brewers at home.

Creative Delivered: 120 Instagram & Facebook Paid Social Assets, 14 Youtube Videos, 8 Weeks Email Campaign, Collab Beers Content Calendar & 1 Website.

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Client: Hopsteiner US | Digitas North America
Creative Director: Dwayne Koh
Art Director: Shoaib Ali Qureshi
Copy: Alexis Lynn & Lilly Evans
Project Management: Chris Ward, Elise Kanksy, Elizabeth Hamilton, Ashley Smith




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